
Data according to § 5 TMG:
Hoh­ler Archi­tek­tur & Con­sul­ting GmbH
Rhein­tal­straße 32a
D-79618 Adel­hau­sen

Represented by:
Mar­kus O. Hoh­ler

Te­le­fon: +49 76 27 50 80 42

Value added tax identification number according to §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE20FA000000031231
Responsible for content:
Mar­kus O. Hoh­ler

Concept, screendesign, text: Kolibri Kommunikationsagentur
Programming: Ingo Winter
CMS: Redaxo

picture credits
All photos of Markus O. Hohler which are published on this website are made by Thomas Krauss.
It is not allowed to copy or reproduce in any manner the photos.